Bible Study Lessons

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Discover Bible Guides

These Bible study guides are simple, easy to use, and answer some of life’s challenging questions, such as: Why does God permit suffering and dying? What is the secret to a happy life? Is there hope for our chaotic world?

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Bible Study Guides - Amazing Facts

These are the popular Bible study series made available by Pastor Doug Batchelor and the team at Amazing Facts. Click to begin your first in 27 lessons and learn more about our Saviour.

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Teach Me to Pray

So you don't know much about God, but you're open to finding out. This course helps you understand how to talk to Him, and also how He talks to you.

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It Is Written Bible Study Guides

The It Is Written Study Guides are here to help you have a deeper understanding of the Bible. Each lesson covers a specific topic that gets right to the point in a question-and-answer format. The answer is always found straight from the Bible. The guides are designed with simplicity and clarity yet packed with life-encouraging truths for every type of person!

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